How To Identify Your Top Passions In Life & Get Closer To Them


What are your top 5 passions in life?

Hard to know for sure isn’t it?

Unless you’ve done some work on the subject you may never fully understand your top passions or what means the most to you in your life.

You may have a vague idea, but to get full clarity around the subject means you can work on a plan of action to have more of what makes you happy in your life.

So, well worth doing! 

There are many online tests and authors who have written about this subject

Trying to help you identify what your top passions are and your true purpose in life

You may be wondering why so many people want to help with this?

The truth … it’s a subject lots of people have trouble with

They get caught up in life, focusing on what they think they should be doing instead what they truly want to do

So to help with this, today we are going to give you a simple, step by step guide

For you to identify your top 5 passions,

To work out if your life is currently aligned with them

And the actions you can take to find happiness and get closer to your true life purpose!

The first step is to

Identify your top 15 passions from this list
What are you drawn to most, what would you love to have more of in your life and have a very strong connection to?

  1. Learning
  2. Fun
  3. Health
  4. Career
  5. Family
  6. Environment
  7. Spirit
  8. Community
  9. Arts
  10. Teaching
  11. Travel
  12. Achievement
  13. Relaxation
  14. Productivity
  15. Friends
  16. Partner
  17. Connection
  18. Creativity
  19. Fame
  20. Wealth
  21. Business
  22. Sport
  23. Intellect
  24. Leadership
  25. Awareness
  26. Balanced
  27. Religion
  28. Control
  29. Service
  30. Freedom

Now you’ve identified your top 15, write a sentence for each starting with:

When my life is ideal I am…

And then finish the statement

For example:

Freedom – When my life is ideal I am…

  • Free to do what I like with no restrictions
  • Travelling to 10 different countries a year

Wealth – When my life is ideal I am…

  • Able to buy items without looking at the price tag first
  • Looking at £20,000 in my savings account

Creativity – When my like is ideal I am…

  • Creative every day
  • Thinking of new ideas, being artistic and exploring my imaginative mind

Be as specific as you possibly can be, treat it almost as if it is your goal

To get your top 5 passions you must now compare #1 with #2 which is more important to you?

If #1 wins, then compare it to #3

If you keep finding #1 wins against everything, this will count as one of your top passions

Put it on your list and then move on to comparing #2 with #3  and so on until you have your 5 top passions

The next stage is important

For each of the top passions you need to rate them on a scale of 1-10 of how much you are living them currently

0 being not at all

10 being everyday

For example:

5 – Wealth – When my life is ideal I am…  Looking at £20,000 in my savings account – Scores a 5 because you have £10,000 in savings 

2 – Creativity – When my like is ideal I am… Thinking of new ideas, being artistic and exploring my imaginative mind – Scores a 2 because you don’t have time during the week

1 – Freedom – When my life is ideal I am… Free to do what I like with no restrictions – Scores a 1 because you feel your job restricts you from being free at all

How did you score on your top 5?

Low, medium, high?

If you’re on the lower end you may understand why you have been less motivated, possibly unhappy or desiring more in your life

If you score high on the list, is there still room for improvement?

No matter where you score

The hugely important next step is to identify what actions you can now take to move closer to each of your five passions scoring a 10.

For each of your top 5 passions write 3 actions steps or goals you can achieve that will get you closer to a score of 10

For example:

To get me closer to a score of 10 I will… Set aside 1 hour per day to solely focus on my children with no distractions, phone, TV, work
To get me closer to a score of 10 I will…Make plans to meet my parents for lunch every Sunday
To get me closer to a score of 10 I will… Call my grandparents every other day at 6.30pm

These are all very clear and precise actionable steps that would get you closer to a score of 10 if family was a top passion for you.

Bringing your awareness to your passions and how closer you are to aligning with them in your life is a huge first step

But it doesn’t stop there.

It’s important you now take action to ensure those passions are in your life every day and you’re taking the steps to get closer to each one being a score of 10.

If you’re struggling with clarifying your passions in life and want to understand how you can live a happier life when being fully aligned with them

Give this exercise a go today!

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