How To Be Certain That Self-Employment Is The Best Choice You’ve Ever Made


Sometimes, amidst the stress and endless hustle,

It can be hard to remember why we chose to become self-employed in the first place.

It’s all too easy for entrepreneurs to focus on the daily little frustrations that we encounter.

We almost forget to remind ourselves why self-employment is so awesome!

But fear not…

Here’s a little reminder of exactly why being self-employed is so much better than working for someone else!

To give you a little bit of extra motivation to continue your entrepreneurial journey

When was the last time you looked back to see how far you’ve come? 

The 8 Reasons Being Self-Employed is Better Than Being an Employee

1. You’re Your Own Boss.

I bet you could guess this one was coming!

It’s the one many of us dreamed about becoming a reality. Being our own boss. Being able to escape the rat race and no longer having to answer to a boss who wasn’t very nice.

When you’re self-employed, you no longer have that manager watching your every move.

You control how your work is done. How you get from point A to point B is completely up to you and that is awesome.

2. You Can Earn An Uncapped Income

No more working your butt off all year for a 20p an hour pay rise (If youre lucky)

On average, freelancers earn 45% more than those who are traditionally employed.

You choose your rates, how much you charge, what products/services you put out there, you are in control and you have the opportunity to earn a completely uncapped income, the sky is the limit.

There’s no reason you can’t pull in way more money now than you did when you were traditionally employed.

3. You Spend Less.

If you’re an online entrepreneur, you have the opportunity to save SO MUCH money

No more getting stuck in rush hour traffic, no more paying for parking or train tickets

Having to fork out for quick but expensive lunches on the go because you’re in a rush

The ability to earn more money and save more money… WIN-WIN!

4. You Choose Who You Work With

As an entrepreneur, you may work alone or with a small handful of people. You may have been lucky enough to even choose who you partner up with for your projects!

Gone are the days when youre stuck in an office for the best part of your week with co-workers who may have not been your favourite people in the world

Yet you still had to stick with them, day in day out, there was no alternative in that job.

Honestly, looking back, do you miss the majority of your co-workers?

Your favourite co-workers may have become your life-long friends and are likely to still be a part of your life. Everyone else? Good riddance!

5. Your Working Space Is Your Own

Want dual monitors instead of one? Go ahead.

Prefer a standing desk? Knock yourself out.

And framed photos of your kids, partner, dog, bunny, friends and family even goldfish? The more the merrier!

You are FREE, as an online entrepreneur, to work from anywhere at any time!

If you want to take your laptop to a seaside coffee shop for the day YOU CAN

No more staying stuck inside at your desk while it feels like the whole world is enjoying the sunshine outside. Now you get to enjoy it too!

Raise a glass to the people still stuck in employment though won’t you

6. No Uncomfortable Uniforms

That horrible grey and green shirt you were made to wear, which cut in under the arms or the tights that kept working their way down to your knees every time you walked around

Shoes that hurt your feet and ties that felt like you were being slowly strangled all day.

Looking back you may wonder how you put up with it for so long

Now the biggest effort you have to make is being dressed from the top-up.

A newfound love of smart on top and comfy below has been adopted by the brand new to working from home and zoom calls, which we’ve been treating ourselves to for years.

Never will they know that secretly youre sending those emails in full onesie and fluffy socks. Because that’s the beauty and benefit of online entrepreneurship!

7. You Set Your Own Schedule

Whether you crave the steady familiarity of a fixed schedule, or you long to mix it up with hours that are more flexible; as your own boss, you’re the one who decides your hours.

If you’re not a morning person, you can rest easy knowing that you no longer have to set those alarms.

Or, if early’s your style, you can set your hours for the break of dawn and complete all of your tasks before the kids even wake up!

8. You Choose Your Customers

As an employee, you’re forced to serve whoever decides to show up.

But now the choice is yours, you have the option to interact first, work out if its best for you both to work together, see if there’s chemistry and an opportunity to get great results.

Those you don’t gel with, you simply don’t work with.

Saving you a whole heap of dread which is replaces by excitement and enthusiasm to get the work done!


When the stress of everyday life starts to wear thin on you, it can be hard to remember how amazing your life — your business — really is.

You may even consider giving up on this way of life from time to time

Truth is: self-employment is a fantastic lifestyle choice. Be thankful.

If you ever forget why you chose to be your own boss, think back to what you were doing before you did this.

And remember what you would have given back then to be in the position you are now.

If you aren’t yet self-employed but wish you were

Maybe this blog is the push you need to recognise you need to take more action towards it today and make all these great benefits yours!

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